Mindful in May – Be Mindful. Be the Change.


Mindful in May Blog‘Problems cannot be solved with the same level of awareness that created them’– Albert Einstien

I finally got around to creating a group for the Mindful in May cause today, as I did, I was alerted to two very sobering facts:

  • One in nine people on the planet struggle each day to access clean, safe drinking water; and
  • Every 20 seconds a child dies due to a contaminated water illness

I’d say this is a pretty big problem.  Yet when I hear these kinds of things, they feel overwhelming,  a solution seem out of reach and I often find myself saying what could little me do? Well… how about $30?

$30 and, like Albert said, greater awareness… Ahem.. did he perhaps mean Mindfulness?!? 

$30. The cost of a yoga class, and perhaps a bottle of water because you left your $40 water canister at home.

$30. The cost of giving one person on our planet clean drinking water for the rest of their life… I feel I need to repeat this here:

For the rest of their life…. and again, just in case it didn’t quite sink in:


I spent $30 on misschu’s rice paper rolls and pho home delivery last night, it was 2 hours late, at about the 90 minute mark, both hungry and hangry, I thought it was the end of the world. $30. Water. For. The. Rest. Of. Their. Life. Hmmm.

You guys already join me in practicing Mindfulness in the yoga studios and meditation centres of melbourne, you sit with me in Mindfulness Courses and Silent retreats, you join me in your work places and you connect with me at Mindfulness Seminars across the globe.As friends and family you endure my endless talk of how Mindfulness will change the world, how it changed my world.

So I wonder, could you please join me in May so that we can raise awareness and help create the solution, perhaps even help change the world? You can do so by heading to my fundraising page and either choosing to:

1) Join me – lets do it together. I’ll send extra meditations, tips for practice and moral support to assist along the way.


2) Sponsor me – Read all about it. Come May I will be gallivanting around the Croatian and Italian country side, sponsor me and you’ll receive blogs about my mindfulness efforts while traveling overseas.

*** by doing either of these two things you will be in the running to win a CKC Mindfulness Course with me to the Value of $695 or a Silent Weekend Retreat to the Value of $595.

Another Great man, and ex lawyer like me 😉 said:

We must become the change we want to see in the world’ – Ghandi.

So. $30. Water. Life. Be Mindful. Be the Change.


Lydia Goldthorpe

Marike will be joined by Melbourne singer/ songwriter Lydia Goldthorpe who will perform songs live from her upcoming EP to create a space of musical and physical synergy. Use her raw, heartfelt vocals and delicate piano playing to get deeper into your own practice with the melodic flow of music, movement and breath.

Friday 90 MInute Flow – live music, raw movement
Friday Feb 6th 6:30pm – 8:00pm

Follow Lydia on Facebook or instagram to see the talent she’s offering to One Hot Yoga.
